

what do i look like?
I am an animal that has a trunk
my body is big, has 4 big legs, has big ears and sharp hearing, takes water with my trunk, has ivory near the trunk.

where i live?
I live in the forest, also in zoos, savannas, forests, deserts and swamps. They tend to be near water

what kind of food do i eat?
My diet consists of at least 50% grass, supplemented with leaves, twigs, roots, and small amounts of fruit, seeds and flowers. Since aky only digests 40% of what he eats, they have to consume large amounts of food. An adult elephant can consume 300 to 600 pounds (140-270 kg) of food per day.

what are some things i can do?
Behaviors that occur in elephant nocturnal activities in KHDTK are eating, grooming, resting, moving, playing, defecating, drinking, vocalization, mating and urinating. The most frequently seen behavior was eating behavior, 27.86% for Figo elephants and 31.69% for Vini elephants.