short story my friend in elementary school

Good friends with people who are smarter, we will indirectly get useful knowledge from them. Be careful in choosing good friends in your life. Must be able to choose and filter, which are good and which are bad.

Like Romi who fell asleep with Doni and Lio's words. Romi makes them good friends. Doni and Lio are naughty children, like smoking and fighting. They instigate Romi to join in smoking and as a result Romi is in the hospital with bandages on his head and bruises on his body.

Good friends are not ordinary friends, but friends who are always by our side when

"Your friend is the one who tells the truth, not the one who justifies you!"

Those words kept haunting my mind, regretting what had happened to me.

It was my father's words. My father always reminded me to always choose honest good friends. This is because friends determine the direction of our lives. For example, your friend is a guitar player, he will invite you to play music and form a band.

yes, I have to shadow those words to always remember them. When I eat, go to school, play, and when I go to sleep I always remember it, remember it, and remember it.

but I'm stupid, I do not hold fast to my father's mandate. As a result, I experienced an accident because I was wrong in getting along.

The incident started when I accidentally littered in the classroom.

"Who dumped the trash here?" asked Pak Kusni, the Education and Citizenship teacher. Before starting the lesson, Mr. Kusni always checks the cleanliness of the classroom.

I realized that it was my food parcel. I don't want to confess, I'm afraid of being scolded, even if I'm honest I won't be punished, but I still don't want to confess.

My seatmate, Wahyu, nudged me.

"Nobody confessed?" asked Mr. Kusni in a loud voice. "It's better to be honest and confess, than to be caught later, you will punish me," continued Pak Kusni, holding his bushy mustache.

Wahyu kept nudging my body, hinting for me to confess.

"Who?" his voice boomed.

Wahyu nudged me again and whispered, "It's Rom, just confess, if you're honest you won't be punished," Wahyu warned me.


Mr. Kusni, hit the table.

"If no one speaks, you will all dry in the field!"

"Rom, just admit it, how can you bear to have your friends punished because of you," Wahyu whispered to me.

"Just shut up, Way" I ignored his suggestion.

"But Rome."

Before Wahyu had time to speak, I cut him off, "You're noisy!" I started to get angry with him.

"Revelation, who throws the trash in front of the class?" asked Pak Kusni to Wahyu in a loud voice.

"R, r, r," Wahyu stuttered and his body nudged me.

I stepped on his shoes.

"Romi, sir," Wahyu explained everything.

I put my foot even harder.

"Romi, are you really the culprit?" asked Mr. Kusni to me.

"Mom... not sir," I replied shakily.

Cold sweat started pouring from every pore of my skin, my face was pale and scared.

"Don't lie to you," said Mr. Kusni louder.

"I.... yes sir, not me," I lied.

"It's not Romi Pak who did it, there was a kid from the next class who was playing in the classroom and he was littering," said Doni.

"That's right, sir, it's not Romi who did it. There was another class playing in your class, sir," added Lio.

Doni is my classmate, he is of medium height, black skin, and a little fat. Previously I was not very close to Dni because of his naughty behavior. Doni didn't go to class when he was in second grade.

Lio is also my classmate, he is Doni's best friend. Lio is very ignorant, often misbehaves in class and sometimes likes to sleep in class. I'm friends with him but not very close.

But why are they suddenly defending me?
Ah, let my suspicions be the important thing that I survived Mr. Kusni's punishment.

Actually, I also know the reason Wahyu spoke honestly to Pak Kusni. My father always asked Wahyu to tell the truth about all things related to me and I was also required to always tell the truth
We were surprised when they suddenly ran after us. Our intention to walk home, was invaded by another junior high school. We ran to avoid because there were dozens of them. I can't say anything anymore, I'm short of breath, and I still have to run, I can't!

I was trying to run, I ran while coughing and fell. When I fell, my friend Agung woke me up.

"Wake up, Rom," said Agung.

I ran and fell again. I saw that Doni and Lio had run away from the front line. I fell down, no one to help me anymore. My body can't stand up, it's hard to breathe, let alone run. I give up.

I saw them getting closer. I just pray, hope I don't die on the spot. "Help!" I screamed.

They are getting closer, no one around me can help me. Suddenly something hit my head, it hurt so bad. After I saw it was a rock that hit my head. Very little, a few seconds later, another rock hit me, and it kept hitting me.

They were already in front of me and immediately ganged up on me. I couldn't do anything because I fainted. I was unconscious for two hours. I opened my eyes and I vaguely saw the shadow of a large body.

I blinked my eyes again to see more clearly, after I confirmed it was Pak Kusni. "Don't move much," Pak Kusni held my head.

I noticed there were bandages on my head and bruises all over my body. It hurts and hurts. My white and blue clothes were out of shape, torn and stained with blood.

it turned out that my head was leaking and bruised from the punches from the kids. Luckily Pak Kusni came on time, otherwise I would have been at the public cemetery.

Not long after, my parents came and immediately hugged me. They hugged me tightly, my mother hugged me while crying. I couldn't move and just smirked.