Islamic Students (HMI) Bangkalan branch held a demonstration in front of the Bangkalan DPRD building. They rejected the government's plan to increase the price of fuel oil (BBM).

It was observed in the field, the mass of action moved from near the UTM campus to the Bangkalan DPRD building at around 10:00 WIB. Arriving in front of the building, they immediately gave speeches in turn. Even though it was raining, the demonstrators kept trying to get into the building's yard.

Tensions arose between the demonstrators and members of the DPRD. They felt that their actions were not appreciated because only two people out of a total of 50 members of the council met them. The atmosphere was getting hotter, pushing each other between the demonstrators and the police was unavoidable.

"We ask all members of the Bangkalan DPRD to come here to listen to the aspirations of the people, the condition of the people is screaming," shouted the Action Coordinator, Agung Gumellar in front of the DPRD office, Wednesday, August 31, 2022.

In their demands, the masses of action rejected the government's plan to increase the price of subsidized fuel because it was considered to be at the expense of the economic conditions of small communities and SMEs. Moreover, economic conditions have not fully recovered after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The mass action also urged the government to improve the data and distribution system for subsidized fuel, so that it is right on target for the lower middle class and MSME actors. Furthermore, it is no less important to limit the beneficiaries of BBM to certain types of vehicles, such as two-wheeled vehicles, public transportation and logistics transportation.a bit of a clash with the security officers aka the police but thank goodness no one was injured there were my friends who were crying because their feet were stuck in the trench hole

"This restriction on subsidized fuel must be accompanied by strict supervision so that there is no leakage of subsidized fuel distribution to the industrial, mining and plantation sectors," he explained.

In addition, they also asked the government to revoke the policy on increasing the basic electricity tariff. "We urge the government to eradicate mafia in the oil and gas and mining sectors by implementing fair and transparent law enforcement from upstream to downstream," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Bangkalan DPRD, Muhammad Fahad said that his institution also agreed with the aspirations of HMI students who rejected the government's plan to increase fuel prices.

He even admitted that he would convey or forward the aspirations of the masses of action to the central government and the Indonesian House of Representatives. "We will convey the demands of the action period to the central government, and will also state our attitude to the media, rejecting the plan to increase fuel prices," he concluded.